Is a pen pal a good idea?
Having a pen pal promotes many key skills, including reciprocation (a letter filled with all me and no questions does not make for a good pen pal relationship!), empathy and mutual concern. It also fosters the ability to search for and find common bonds, a key element of true friendship.
How old do you have to be to have a pen pal?
You can start at any age, but 8-10 (or older) seems ideal. Here are seven benefits for your child when they have a pen pal. 1.
How do I get a PenPal for my age?
Here are a few places to find a pen pal for your kid.Social media. Most of us have friends or acquaintances who dont live near us, and many of those friends have kids. School. Classes and even entire schools sometimes have pen pal programs. Travels. Through a pen pal website.Feb 14, 2018