What are 10 lords a leaping?
The tenth verse of our Twelve Days of Christmas saga is a dashing display of 10 different spices— coriander, orange peel, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, mace, anise, dried apples, and cloves— in a dark, warming winter ale.
What are 4 calling birds?
The “four calling birds” that we sing about today were, at different times, “four canary birds” and “four mockingbirds,” and before that they show up as “colly birds” or “collie birds,” which is the archaic term for blackbirds.
What is the most important muscle to jump higher?
Your quads and hamstrings are your primary thrusters. But if you want to jump higher, its equally important to awaken and strengthen assisting muscles—your calves, the muscles around your hips, and your glutes.