Question: What happens if you lie about separation date?

A judge can impose a verbal or financial punishment, or even jail time if you are caught lying under oath. Your divorce action could be dismissed and you will have to start all over again including paying all fees.

How do I prove my separation date?

It is important to record the date you have separated, preferably in writing with both parties signatures. However, proof may also be in the form of an email or text that mentions the separation date by both parties.

What is considered the date of separation?

Disagreements as to date of separation sometimes arise where the parties to a relationship continue living together after the relationship has broken down. Rather, a couple is deemed to have separated when they stop living together as a couple.

Can I claim benefits living with ex partner?

You do not count as living together unless you are living together in the same home as a couple. Others are told that if they are still living with their ex, even though they are not a couple, that they must still claim benefits as a couple – this is also not true.

What triggers a DWP investigation?

As soon as there is enough evidence of potential fraud, the DWP will launch an official investigation and notify you. DWP investigators are allowed to gather many types of evidence against a potentially fraudulent claimant.

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