Question: Can enlisted Date Officer different branch?

Those engaging in fraternization can be brought up on Uniform Code Military Justice (UCMJ) charges. A relationship is considered fraternization even if the parties are in different units, different commands, or even different branches of service. In short, it extends to all officer/enlisted relationships.

Is fraternization between branches illegal?

Fraternization becomes a criminal offense under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice when the conduct has compromised the chain of command, resulted in the appearance of partiality, or otherwise undermined good order, discipline, authority, or morale, according to the Manual for Courts-Martial (PDF).

Can a Navy officer date an enlisted Marine?

US NAVY REGULATIONS 1165: Prohibits personal relationships between officers and enlisted personnel that are unduly familiar and do not respect the differences in grade or rank. Such relationships are prejudicial to good order and discipline and violative of service tradition.

Can people in different branches of the military date?

Military regulations chiefly regulate against dating between two soldiers of different ranks. Military policy in all branches prohibits all kinds of fraternization between soldiers of different grades; while the prohibited relationship is officer/enlisted solider, it also applies to any two different grades of soldier.

Can an enlisted Guard date active duty officer?

No. The policy on unprofessional relationships between officer and enlisted is the same for all Services. Thus, a prohibited relationship between an Army officer and an Army enlisted soldier would still be prohibited if between a Navy officer and Army enlisted soldier.

Can officers and enlisted hang out?

The applicable military “rule” in your situation is Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which prohibits relations between officers and enlisted that undermine good order and discipline, display partiality on the part of the officer, or bring discredit upon the service.

Can Marines marry each other?

This respect is lessened by the failure to observe niceties of military courtesy and other traditions and customs. The Marine Corps cannot legally act to prevent marriages between service members.

Does my family get BAH while Im at basic?

If you have dependents, you will receive the housing allowance, even when staying in the barracks at basic training or technical school/AIT/A-School. However, if you are not married or divorced and are paying child support, you do not receive full-rate BAH while living in the barracks.

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