Question: Are twins slower to talk?

LAWRENCE — A study of 473 sets of twins followed since birth found that compared with single-born children, 47 percent of 24-month-old identical twins had language delay compared with 31 percent of nonidentical twins. Overall, twins had twice the rate of late language emergence of single-born children.

Is speech delay common in twins?

Numerous studies have established that twins, triplets and other sets of multiples have a higher likelihood of speech delays. (Its also more common in identical twins and multiples than in fraternal.)

Do twins have developmental delays?

The most documented developmental delay among twins is language development, which appears to be more common in multiple births. “Most identical twins will reach their milestones around the same time; fraternal twins will vary a little more.

Are twins slow learners?

A:Twins are not slow learners. It has been observed that they become a self-sufficient pair, communicating between themselves very effectively, through gesture and speech. Twins have been known to prefer each others company and to do the same things, with no previous verbal statement.

Why do twins have language delays?

Speech and language difficulties occur more often in twins and triplets because they are more likely to experience a combination of the factors that predispose all children to speech and language difficulties (such as prematurity or being part of a large family and some families where English is a second language).

Are late talkers more intelligent?

To be sure, most late talking children do not have high intelligence. The same is true for bright late-talking children: It is important to bear in mind that there is nothing wrong with people who are highly skilled in analytical abilities, even when they talk late and are less skilled with regard to language ability.

At what age do twins start talking?

When Your Twins Should Start Talking By 18 months, your twins should be able to say around twenty words. These will be simple words like mama and dadda. Your children will use various sounds and rhythms to “talk” as they play and interact with others.

Will my twins ever talk?

By 18 months, your twins should be able to say around twenty words. These will be simple words like mama and dadda. Your children will use various sounds and rhythms to “talk” as they play and interact with others. Just because they are twins doesnt mean there is always a speech delay in twins.

Do twins have lower IQ?

On average, twins have lower IQ scores at 7 and 9 years old than singleton children in the same family. In a cohort study, Ronalds and colleagues (p 1306) used data on 9832 singletons and 236 twins born in Aberdeen between 1950 and 1956.

Is it hard to be a twin?

Heres what you can do: since twins are often born early, youll want to make sure your nursery is ready for your babies by the time youre 32 weeks pregnant. Beyond that, theres only so much you can control when youre expecting. “Having twins is not twice as hard—its exponentially more difficult.”

Can twins have autism?

Studies in identical twins have shown that autism has a strong genetic basis: If one identical twin has autism, the other one has it, too, as much as 90 percent of the time. The new work supports these estimates: In 64 of the 78 twin pairs, both twins have an autism diagnosis.

Do early talkers have higher IQ?

A study on “profoundly gifted” children found that a majority of them started talking early. A study on first steps found that children who started walking early were neither more intelligent nor more coordinated later on in life.

Do twins speak their own language?

Twins are regularly reported to invent languages of their own, unintelligible to others. These languages are known as autonomous languages, cryptophasia or idioglossia. Autonomous languages exist in about 40% of all twins, but often disappear soon.

Is twin pregnancy more painful?

No. Thats not all, Monga says. Moms pregnant with twins complain of more back pain, sleeping difficulties, and heartburn than moms who are carrying one child. Moms pregnant with twins also have a higher rate of maternal anemia and a higher rate of postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding) after delivery.

Can only one identical twins have autism?

Studies in identical twins have shown that autism has a strong genetic basis: If one identical twin has autism, the other one has it, too, as much as 90 percent of the time. The new work supports these estimates: In 64 of the 78 twin pairs, both twins have an autism diagnosis.

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