Question: Is it possible to date a Hollywood star?

“Celebrities can successfully date ordinary people as long as theyre both aware they will be publicly scrutinized and that their lives may be dictated by the celebritys appearance and production schedule.

How do you date a Hollywood celebrity?

Attract a celebrity in the same way you would attract someone who wasnt famous.Be confident.Be yourself.Be approachable.Be thoughtful and kind.Talk normally.Make yourself look attractive.Find out things that you two have in common.Make her happy.More items

How do celebrities see your DMs?

4 Tips on How to Get a Celebrity to Notice Your DMMake Sure Your IG Account Looks Legit. The first thing you want to do is to set up your Instagram account in a way thats aesthetically appealing and a public one. Arouse His/Her Curiosity. Use Your Sense of Humor. DM Consistently.

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