Question: What is a rebound in a relationship?

A rebound relationship is a relationship wherein an individual who just recently ended a romantic relationship gets involved with someone else despite not being emotionally healed from the breakup. Some people also get into rebound relationships for more petty reasons, such as to try to make their ex jealous.

What happens in a rebound relationship?

The euphoria of a rebound relationship usually keeps the unhappy feelings of the rebounder at bay for a time. But a rebound relationship is usually reactive. The partner jumps into the new relationship to avoid processing or resolving the emotions surrounding the break-up, namely disappointment, sadness, and hurt.

Are rebound relationships bad?

Breakups are hard but getting into a rebound relationship just to get back at your ex or escape your loneliness is not a solution. Heres why rebounds are bad for you: You are emotionally vulnerable: No matter how strong you are, a break-up could make you emotionally vulnerable.

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