Question: Can you tell if someone blocked you on OkCupid?

What does it show when someone blocks you on OkCupid?

Blocking or unmatching someone will prevent them from seeing your profile -- if they try to view your profile after you block/unmatch them, it will look just like you deleted your OkCupid account.

What does green light on OkCupid mean?

What does the green light on OkCupid mean? Simple it means that person is active talking to anyone in the site where you are in . It means they are available to talk to you if they dont want to also. They can also make their name not colored green by paying extra money to the site so you cant see them. 21.8K views.

What does a gold star on OkCupid mean?

This menu shows people who have liked” you by clicking on a yellow star while using any of the OkCupid functions such as Quick Match, Browse Matches, or simply by having viewed your profile. Click on the star in the top right of your menu to see who has seen your profile and liked it.

Can you hide your online status on OkCupid?

OkCupid always displays profiles the same way whether theyre paying subscribers or not. Note, however, that there is no OkCupid feature (free or paid) which lets you hide your “Online Now” or “Last Online” status.

What happens when you activate read receipt on OkCupid?

You can choose which conversation youd like to use each Read Receipt for, and youll be able to see when your last message has been read within that conversation.

How do I view a profile on OkCupid?

Log into your OkCupid profile. Click on your profile thumbnail (you can find this on the top right corner of your screen) When the drop-down menu appears, click on “Find a User” You will see a white box with the words, “search by username”.

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