Question: What do you say to your long distance friend?

A good friendship day to my dearest friend, who is always close to my heart and is remembered every moment. Sometimes distance is what you need to understand how important the person is in your life. Our bond of friendship has grown stronger with this long distance and I am so happy that this has brought us closer.

What do you say to a distant friend?

Here are 17 questions to ask your long-distance friend to keep the magic alive.How was your week? Have you read/watched anything good lately? Hows your family? Soooo, hows the love life? OMG have you seen Riverdale??? Remember when…? Whats your moon sign? Have you seen any good movies recently?More items •Jan 15, 2018

What do you talk about with a long time friend?

Conversation starters for reconnecting with an old friendStart with something simple. Lets make it simple and direct. Expand the topic. Ask about their current situation. Bring back good old memories. Dig Deeper. End conversation with a plan.Apr 20, 2020

How do I write to a friend after a long time?

I hope everything is going well. Sorry, I havent been in contact recently. Ive been meaning to write to you for the last couple of months, but I just havent got round to doing it. Sorry for my laziness.

How can I stay close to my long distance friend?

Seven Ways to Make the Most of a Long-Distance FriendshipPut in the Time When You Can. Stay in Touch. Find Something You Can Do Together, Apart. Be Accepting of the Situation. Dont Fear Lack of Contact. Communicate in a Different Way. Use Distance As An Opportunity.

What do you say to a friend you havent seen in a long time?

10 Questions to Ask an Old Friend at the Dinner TableAre you currently living in your forever city or town?Have you read any good books or seen a good movie/show lately?Whats the best meal youve had lately?What are the top three cities in the world that you would like to visit one day?More items •May 24, 2019

What do you say to someone you havent seen in a long time?

Wrap up your letter with a sentiment appropriate to the message, such as, I regret that weve fallen out of touch, but I hope we can rekindle our friendship. Although sincerely and best are suitable ways to close your letter, as always is appropriate for a letter to someone with whom youve lost touch.

How do you write to someone you havent seen in a long time?

Wrap up your letter with a sentiment appropriate to the message, such as, I regret that weve fallen out of touch, but I hope we can rekindle our friendship. Although sincerely and best are suitable ways to close your letter, as always is appropriate for a letter to someone with whom youve lost touch.

How do you ask a friend for a long time?

10 Questions to Ask an Old Friend at the Dinner TableAre you currently living in your forever city or town?Have you read any good books or seen a good movie/show lately?Whats the best meal youve had lately?What are the top three cities in the world that you would like to visit one day?More items •May 24, 2019

How do you reply to its been a long time?

You can say No problem or you can say It has been a while, hasnt it? or No problem - I know youve been busy. Or you could just skip right over that part and answer the rest of the email.

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