Question: Who can see my OkCupid profile?

Profiles are visible only to logged-in OkCupid members In order to view OkCupid profiles, you must be a logged-in OkCupid member. We will never show your profile to anyone who is not logged in, including in Google search results. This is so that your settings of who can see you will always be honored.

Can you hide your OkCupid profile?

Incognito allows you to keep an active profile on OkCupid while being 100% hidden to anyone on the site who you have not already messaged or liked. Please note that Incognito is a separate subscription from Basic or Premium, and does not include the features of either.

Can I hide my online status on OkCupid?

OkCupid always displays profiles the same way whether theyre paying subscribers or not. Note, however, that there is no OkCupid feature (free or paid) which lets you hide your “Online Now” or “Last Online” status.

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