Question: What day is National Love Day?

Is there a national couples day?

National Couples Day is August 18, a date where love is in the air, and it smells sweet with a hint of spice! Its National Couples Day, the time to celebrate the one you adore. Your partner in crime, your ride or die, your pain in the…well, you know what we mean.

Is there a national text your ex day?

Every year on October 30 is National Text Your Ex Day. Whether you usually do the breaking up or are the one whos broken up with — National Text Your Ex Day doesnt discriminate. So get out your phone, think of something you want to say, and participate in National Text Your Ex Day.

Is there a national ex best friend day?

Its Ex Bestfriend day on the 9th of June.

What is January 6th Day?

Each year on January 6th, National Cuddle Up Day encourages us to snuggle up with someone for the health benefits and more! January is typically some of the coldest days of the year, so what better way to stay warm and reap the health benefits of cuddling on National Cuddle Up Day?

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