Question: Is Hi5 a dating website?

Hi5 is a social networking website targeted at people who are interested in flirting, dating, and making new friends. It is almost identical to the Tagged website. Both sites are owned by social and mobile tech company The Meet Group.

How many users are on hi5?

With more than 35 million monthly active users around the world, Hi5 is one of the largest social networks behind social network leaders MySpace and Facebook.

How do I get my hi5 profile back?

We can help you gain access to your account again. All you have to do is email with the following information: Email Address or a link to the account. A NEW email address.

Who owns hi5 social media?

The Meet Group It is targeted to users that are interested in flirting, dating, and making new friends. In order to join hi5, users must be age 18 or older ScreenshotType of siteSocial networking serviceAvailable inMultilingualOwnerThe Meet GroupFounder(s)Ramu Yalamanchi6 more rows

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